Monday, April 24, 2023

Design Powerpoint Presentations With Attractive Diagrams


-- GET eye on this Gig

-->Are you geared up to take your presentation to the "subsequent stage"? Get prepared to "WOW" your target audience, land the ones traders offers, or get a status ovation!

Why select me?

.i will help create a expert | Branded | excessive exceptional | innovative | excessive end | appealing and eye catching shows for you.

.As an expert presentation and graphic dressmaker, my goal is to turn regular Presenters into Challenger in their personal discipline.

.i've greater than five years experience in designing shows and "Award Wining designer" in numerous online platform competitions.

.i can paintings with little instruction or perform a little researchers and even start with undeniable text or revise your present presentation.

.I always entire the presentation and supply in the agreed time frame.

.All my displays are like minded with master SLIDES, fonts & branding colorations in line with your enterprise.

Q.......examine FAQ cautiously earlier than region the order.

if you have any questions or queries please do now not hesitate to ask  me Always here to serve you.


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Sunday, April 23, 2023

Make A Sales Presentation For You


I am very passionate about product design and presentations for any area of business.

I always focus on the user and key business metrics to take your products and companies to the next level with a visual approach.


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Create Modern Powerpoint Presentation, Business, Educational, Medical


Hello! I am Dr. Fasih | Professional presentation designer| Graphic Designer | ppt expert

Are you looking for someone with outclass presentation designing skills having years of experience in working with different brand and companies for business presentations and also having a medical background to design a PROFESSIONAL POWERPOINT PRESENTATION or redesign the older one with a professional touch ?

Don't Worry !You are at right Gig.

Types of presentations I do

  • Business/Company
  • Pitch Deck
  • Marketing
  • Seminars,conference,events
  • Education
  • Medical
  • Cosmetics and food
  • Pets and animals

All the samples shown in my gig are totally mine and evidence of my ability, creativity and superclass work.

I offer:

  • Professional work
  • Include charts, maps & Infographics
  • Slide Transition & Animation
  • High quality images
  • 110% Timely Delivery

All I need is you to provide me the CONTENT either in PDF/WORD/PPTX and leave the rest on me. For medical ppt, I can research for you.

Please message me before placing your order.

Looking forward to here from you!

Thanks for visiting my gig


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